Live, Learn, Laugh and Love...
Usually I would look at these words and know what they all mean to me. I have struggled lately with the last two. Since my last blog a lot has happened.
Let me give you the list:
My father was diagnosed with Colon Cancer,
My father had surgery to get rid of the Cancer
My 7/14(7 w/me and 14 w/her mom) went to weekends because she went to Preschool.
Those are the three major things that happened.
I can tell you that its been a real rocky road. I chose to be with my father before during and partially after the operation. The operation didn't go the way we all would have liked to see it go. The cancer was bigger than they thought. When they went in the old fashion way they accidentally nicked a vein. After that issue was solved they cut about a foot (six inches longer than originally planned) of the colon. It was scheduled four hours and went almost nine. I think the waiting game lets your mind wonder to the farthest places. I can tell you that it was mentally and emotionally draining.
My little angle is starting to grow up. She is going to preschool! I am happy to see her show how smart she is, sad to lose time with her. Its always been a struggle and battle with her mom to do anything other than the minimum. I am a father that wants to be involved in my child's life and get nothing but resistance. We decided that on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I would call and talk to Karma. I would say I talk to her one of three days scheduled. In time I pray it will get better.
As always thanks for reading.
My Oath: A Country Divided
14 years ago